Sunday, May 30, 2010


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

He Will Never Give Up on You. Never Forget That.

How many times have you given up on your diet? But more importantly, how many times have you given up on yourself, and resigned yourself to living in the Fat & Happy body you've grown into? Did you know that while you were giving up on yourself, God was right there beside you, just waiting for you to ask for his help? He will never give up on you. Never Forget That!

Hyterical video still of the day!

"Put Your Hands On the TV!"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Uh Oh, Did Somebody Say Gluttony?

Is gluttony stealing joy away from your life, your family, and your relationship with God? Pick up your heavenly cell phone, and speed dial J for Jesus. He can help you get through your most gluttonous and self serving moments, and guide you to be the person you were meant to be. Just try calling him today. He won't send you to voicemail. I promise!

Does God want you to be fat, tired, stressed out, depressed? Of course not! Let's dig in, and discover what God wants for our bodies, and our lives!